About inflation

Purposes Learning what inflation is and how to obtain related data Inflation As you may know from this post inflation is not good for our fiat money. Here a book definition Inflation is a sustained increase in the general price level of goods and services in an economy over a period of time. In a simpler language: You can buy fewer things with the same amount of money. Decreases the value of money....

January 29, 2023 · 1 min · jesusnoseq

Time management and control

My particular case I have always been a very curious person with a tendency to start different projects. It happens to me that I drop the project when it does not motivate me. If I already have the knowledge to complete the project and all that’s left is to spend hours on it, my motivation goes down. This behavior ends up frustrating me because I want to finish projects, not leave them unfinish....

January 21, 2023 · 3 min · jesusnoseq

About investments and money

When I started working and saving some money. I thought it might be a good idea to invest, I then remembered to check the fees to be paid for buying shares and discarded the option. Now it is much easier to invest and be well informed, thanks to the internet. At the beginning of 2020, I started to get interested in investing again by watching videos on YouTube. There are some really good channels, but also some that are a bit dangerous or directly looking to scam you....

January 14, 2023 · 4 min · jesusnoseq